Temperature: 30 F
Wind: 26 mph NW
Dew Point: 20 F
Pressure: 30.22 (rising rapidly)
Relative Humidity: 58%
Earlier, I observed what appeared to be some cumulostratus clouds overhead. In addition, I took note of the strong winds coming out of the NW. Upon doing some brief research, I determined that these cloud and wind conditions most likely represent an incoming cold front. Since gas moves rapidly from high-pressure areas to low-pressure areas, the strong windspeeds are most likely the result of an influx of high pressure, which causing a mass exodus of tropospheric gases. The surface map below supports my assertions. As the map illustrates, there is, in fact, a cold front right near Eau Claire County. In addition, the gusty NW winds are likely the result of air flowing from the aforementioned high pressure dome to the low pressure systems in the South and in the East.
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